20Plan de travail 42

Tribute to a great Lion, PID Alexis Vincent Gomes

Dear fellow Lions,

We have known the esteemed Lion, Past International Director Alexis Vincent Gomes, for a long time, whether through our missions in Africa or at international events in Europe and beyond. Through his initiatives, we have closely followed the progress of our Association on the African continent. His exemplary leadership, natural authority, and dedication, from his early days to his significant international roles, have greatly contributed to our success.

Given his remarkable qualities, it is no surprise that our fellow African Lions have chosen such a charismatic and generous personality as their candidate for the position of International Third Vice President.

Lionism in Africa owes him a debt of gratitude. His deep knowledge of the Association and international relations, both within and outside Lionism, along with his personal attributes, have ensured his effectiveness.

There is no doubt that Past International Director Alexis Vincent Gomes will be one of the great International Presidents of Lions International, following an election that we are confident will take place in Melbourne.

Just like the Council of Governors of MD 103 France, which has endorsed the candidacy of Alexis Vincent GOMES, all Past International Directors of France, unanimously, alongside their Dean Jean Oustrin, call for support for the candidacy of Alexis Vincent Gomes, presented by Constitutional Area 8 Africa, for the position of International Third Vice President at the International Convention in Melbourne.

PID Jean OUSTRIN (1996-1998) – PID Jacques Garello (2002-2004) – PID Georges PLACET (2007-2009) – PID Philippe SOUSTELLE (2005-2007)– PID Claudette CORNET (2011-2013) – PID Pierre CHATEL (2015-2017)– PID William GALLIGANI (2017-2019)– PID Nicole MIQUEL-BELAUD (2020-2022)



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