20Plan de travail 42

Lion Alexis Gomes: A Beacon of Leadership and Friendship in Lionism

Dear Lions Members,

I am honored to share my heartfelt testimonial for Lion Alexis Gomes, a cherished friend and an inspiring, humble leader whose influence has shaped both Lionism and our lives.

Fourteen years ago, the esteemed Late Past International President Dr Ashok Mehta introduced me to Lion Alexis Gomes—a wonderful friend and a beacon of inspiration. His 40-year journey of service, starting as a grassroots Lion member of Lions Club Pointe-Noire Eucalyptus Club and culminating as a Past International Director, showcases an unwavering commitment to the Lions Club’s mission of service and compassion.

Lion Alexis’s impact extends beyond his impressive tenure; he has played a pivotal role in shaping the Africa Constitutional Area, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of Lionism. His leadership is characterized by a unique blend of humility and inspiration, setting an example for Lions worldwide and creating a lasting legacy that resonates with the principles of Lionism.

I had the privilege of observing Lion Alexis in action during the 2015 annual district conference, where he served as the esteemed Chief Guest. This momentous occasion coincided with my election as the Governor for District 323 A2, and Lion Alexis’s guidance and support were instrumental in shaping my understanding of leadership and commitment to service.

Recently, in October 2023, Lion Alexis graced our Multiple District 3231 with his presence. His visit not only strengthened our sense of community but also served as a source of motivation, energizing and inspiring members across the district. His ability to connect with diverse audiences, coupled with his genuine passion for service, reinforced the notion that he is indeed a perfect leader to guide the organization at the highest order.

Lion Alexis Gomes embodies the qualities of a perfect leader, with humility as the cornerstone of his character. Beyond titles and accolades, he remains a friend first, fostering a sense of camaraderie that strengthens the Lions Club community. His ability to inspire, mentor, and lead by example reflects a leadership style that is both rare and invaluable.

In conclusion, it is an honor to pen this testimonial for Lion Alexis Gomes, a wonderful friend and an inspiring humble leader. His 40 years of dedicated service, locally and internationally, coupled with his role in shaping the Africa Constitutional Area, position him as a perfect leader to guide the organization with the utmost distinction. Beyond his leadership qualities , Lion Alexis Gomes stands out as one of the top highest contributors to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). His significant contributions underscore his commitment to making a lasting impact on a global scale. This philanthropic dedication serves as a shining example for Lions worldwide, reflecting the true spirit of generosity and service.

As we continue our collective journey within the Lions Club, I am grateful for the privilege of knowing and learning from such an exceptional individual. Lion Alexis Gomes is a beacon of inspiration, and his impact will undoubtedly resonate for years to come.

Warm Regards,

Lion Nitin Shetty
Council Chairman
Multiple District 3231
Lions International



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